Understanding Sustainability in Real Estate

Investing for Sustainability in Real Estate
Buildings are responsible for more than 33% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Investing for sustainability in real estate is a no-brainer.
Sustainable Finance Podcast
Sam speaks to the Sustainable Finance Podcast on how Vert defines sustainability in real estate. Sam gives detailed examples of companies and buildings that connect sustainability to economic value.

The Case for Investing in Sustainable Buildings
A featured article in Green Money Journal outlines best practices and innovative approaches to sustainability in real estate.

Understanding ESG: Greater Transparency, Better Prices and Better Decision Making
Our Chief Sustainability Officer, Sarah Adams, shares the history of sustainability reporting in a CalCPA article – The ABCs of ESG.

The Difference Between SRI and ESG Investing
In this Advisor Perspectives article, Sam Adams provides a framework to understand environmental, social, and governance issues in investments.

The Case for Investing in Sustainable Buildings
Vert Asset Management authored a case study focused on real estate for the PRI (Principles for Responsible Investing).